Wednesday, 24 September 2008

The positives of life ...

So I’d like this blog to contain the positives of life .. – yes we have to deal with the negatives, but why brood on them? bring out the light .. be flexible, learn to work round the challenges – so difficult in these situations .. especially when one needs support – the emotional and the practical ... not always forthcoming.

I’d like to tell short stories, bring out the memories, remind ourselves of our shortcomings and how we can overcome them, offer positive ideas, positive thoughts, topics to amuse or interest ..
Let me know what you think ...


Anonymous said...

It's always the best way to explain something by telling a story. We all need a little help or an insight to make our relationships better. And a positive pulse of your blog is a great idea because what we focus on expands. I like it!

Believe Achieve - Hugo and Roxanne said...

We think this is a Wonderful idea!! Positive thinking and being Grateful will not only make YOU happy, it will also bring about more circumstances to be Positive and Grateful about.

Great Blog!! Sending Positive energy your way!!

Many Blessings....Roxanne and Hugo

BeHappy said...

Thanks Stella .. yes it is opening up ideas for me .. and brings up other positive thoughts .. another learning curve = always a plus. This period has cemented my relationship with my mother ..much more than I expected. Hilary

BeHappy said...

Hi Roxanne & Hugo .. Thank you for your positiveness .. it is so good to feel positive energies being sent across the pond! Yes -I'm learning all the time .. about so much through these times. Hilary

Anonymous said...

I have had a lot of a challenges the last 3 years but i try to keep positive abuot life and things are getting better.

BeHappy said...

Hi Anthony .. many thanks for your comment .. I hope things carry on improving for you. Problems occurring in life are testers & I know some are very serious .. just keep as positive as you can .. good luck - thanks Hilary